Uirusu - By Bastet

Name: Uirusu
Full Name: Konpyu-Tauxirusu
Age: looks about 20
Colours: Blue, Red
Species: Part Dragon
Weight: 121lbs
Height: 5' 5"
Eyes: Dark Blue
Skin: Red
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Von Reichter's Lab
She was created, of course, by Von Reichter to destroy C-9, Cybersix, Data 7, and anyone else who teams with Cybersix or gets in her way...That's her only purpose in life...She never had a past. Her name, Uirusu, was given to her by Von Reichter, which means Virus. Her full name, Konpyu-Tauxirusu, means Computer Virus (Makes sence..!), and she lives up to her name...She terrorizes everyone she runs into, much like a virus...

She first met Cybersix and C-9 while they were fighting Jose's Fixed Ideas. She flew out of no where and landed bside Jose. Jose didn't want heraround, this being his fight and all. She acted weird and pinched his check and said, Don't worry about..! And ran into the fight. Against Cybersix, C-9, Data 7 , and F3 wasn't all that easy, even though she did have the help of Fixed Ideas. But since they're so dumb and all, she retreated the battle with Jose...

She knew it wasn't going to be easy to defeat all of them. Von Reichter told her that F3 could easily be turned to evil again, and she used this to her advantage. In the next fight she was in, she some how got F3 to side with her...The other's didn't want to harm F3 in anyway, so they tried to avoid her, which wasn't easy...They eventually had to fight off F3 as well. They wouldn't have stopped fighting if the police hadn't arrive..! (Angry people calling about all the noise..! **dies**)

One night C-9 got F3 to change back and side back with them...Uirusu was ticked off about this. She wasn't gonna let that stop her though...She could probably easily turn F3 back to evil...But still, she'll find new ways to try and defeat them...With a little help of Jose and Von Reichter...

She's part red dragon and can control fire very well. She wears a blue helmet thingy (WTH), that covers part of her back. She keeps her wings wrapped around her neck like a cape. She wears a blue short body skirt (Uhh...I'm stupid, I don't know what it's called...) a black belt, blue gloves with silver wrist bands, and blue boots that go up past her knees. She has blue eyes, and red skin, and has a devil like tail (With the little arrow head at the end!).

She has a bad temper, and if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll take it out on someone until she does. She may seen nice looking (..?!!) but don't let that fool you...She hates water (But why is she wearing blue?!! **falls over**) and if you get her near it, she'll freak out, and probably flee for her life..! Her purpose is to destroy C-9, Cybersix and Data 7, and sometimes F3 (When she's not teamed with her), and anyone else that teams up with Cybersix, and will do anything to succeed.

She treats everyone as mortal enemies, except for Von Reichter. She'll listen to Jose though, but doesn't like taking orders from a little brat, but, of course does since he's Von Reichter's...uh...son..! Yeah...Anyone else who's teamed with Von Reichter, she'll treat as a co-worker, and maybe as a friend...!
