Name: Seiteki Nikko
Age: 3 years old (19 year-old body and mind)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 123 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Lavender
Birthplace: BioTech Institute Labs, town of Kyoto, Japan
Birthdate: December 25th, 1997
Relatives: -Amano
-Watanabe Hironobu
Special Info: -Eyes turn grey when she gets mad
-Created from DNA of great fighters
-Has 'Exp-00'
-Hearing very high pitched noise hurts her head and it is a good weapon if you wish to distract her
Nikko was created to be a soldier in the japanese army. She's the first specimen of this project to rule the world. She was first
supposed to be a man, but the two scientists who created her thought it would be better if the first specimen was a woman, to
control it better.
There's been an error in their calculations, and in the DNA Nikko received, there was too much fighting and intellectual potential.
After the first few days of her life, she ran away from the labs, because she knew what she was to become and that wasn't what she
wanted. She was never heard of again in Kyoto, but the two scientists continued searching for her and creating new creatures.
Those scientists heard of Von Reichter, met him and teamed up with him, sharing his dream to rule the planet.
Nikko fled to Meridiana, and met Cybersix there. Cybersix is the only person she trusts. Nikko knows that Adriàn is Cybersix and
goes to school with him during the day, pretending to be Adriàn's niece. She enjoys Lucas' company and she just loves Data7 and
Julian. When traveling with Cybersix, she doesn't go with her to see Lucas, respecting her privacy and not wanting Lucas to see her
with Cybersix, since he sees her hanging out with Adriàn during the day.
Yohko and Hironobu soon find out that their creation is with Cybersix and will try to destroy her with different strategies and traps.
When fights are over, Nikko often collects the bottles of sustenance, left by Von Reichter's creations when they die, to give to