Wardrobe:black bikini top,rubber black pants,leather gloves black,black and gold elbow shields,black high heels,black shoke chain on neck,escape hook,small emergency belt
Nick name:gadjet girl
Secret identity name:Amy
Cyber number:24
Relitives/friends:andrew her boy friend,jenny her best friend as a high school student
Home town:Meridianna

Special facts of her life:as a baby cyber in von richter lab she was an enemy she was evil until the age of 6 when she slowly ascaped at night too leave.she slowly noticed that evil would never ever triumph over good. she made her own suit day by day to make sure that no one would recognize her as a normal she grew older at 16 she learned the simple agility and leaping abilities that c6 knoes. and one day at the age of 17 she met cybersix and became best friends with both data 7 & cybersix.she then figured that she could not stay with c6 & data 7 for the rest of her life.she left to her apartment and then there met andrew walking in the hall of the motel she lived at. later she new that was the right guy for her love life so they still stay boy friend & girl friend. she stay leaping across her town around meridianna every night to find trouble or any thing going on in the town.