Name: angel13
Occupation: assassin for vr(nighttime only), jose's bodyguard(always)
Height: 5'11
Hair: brown, slicked back and tied in a back length ponytail
Age: 24(guessing he's as old as c6)
Distingiushing characteristics: red eyes, "cyber 29" tatttooed on both forearms, fangs, retractable finger claws(like sabretooth from x-men, not like stryk12)
Skin tone: tanned(living in the jungles of argentina(read: at vr's castle) can do that to ya.)
Build: slender, lean and wiry
Wardrobe: black leather bodysuit while working, black armani suit&tie with red shirt and white leather gloves for the day shift(as jose's bodyguard).
Personality notes: loyal to vr, but has free will(keeps it huidden tho, he knows what happened to the cybers). respects his mster, and gets along with m17(doesn't get her jokes tho, he's the bert to her ernie). does not like jose. will not involve children in his battles if he can help it. ordered to kill c6, but has trouble aministering the final blow(which is when she defeats him.)

Powers: superhuman stregnth, speed and agility(equal to c6), claws, fangs, "stealth mode"(invisibility), possible energy based ranged attack(eg: sonic shout, or eye laser). thanks to his claws, he can climb walls with the greatest of ease(like spiderman) also has a set of retractible biomettallic wimgs(the edges of these wings are sharp enough to cut through steel), and can release a volley of "wing-feathers", which are sharp as knives, and are laced with a paralytic agent(acts like curare)

Lucas, lori, julian, bethany: bait for catching cyber6. not worth killing because of their value as hostages
Erika: likes her. she's nicer than jose, and actually listens to his advice(like when to get to cover)
Data7: they hate each other.
Kaji: if he interferes with the master's plans again, he will kill him(if ordered)