Designation: 17CYBER-N
Name: Rae Riley
Sex: female
Age: newly born, she appears to be 17 years old
Wieght: human-125lbs bug-250lbs
Eyes: brown with yellow flecks
Hair:lower back in length, light brown, wavy.
Species:CYBER human, insect, animal all rolled in to one.
Purpose: Von Reictor intended her to be his right hand man, equal to Jose. If CYBERSIX managed to survive the isle of doom, 17CYBER-N would hunt and destroy her. 17CYBER-N was to be Von Reictor's personal assasin.
17CYBER-N is of course, a creation of Von Reictior's, Von Reictor's last creation. She is a clone of CYBER17, with some ajustments. She is human most of the time, though when she is placed in a fight or flight situation she reacts by growing an exo-skeleton (similar to an insect's but much stronger, impervious to bullets). She learns later hou to activate it at will. While in this "bug" mode 17CYBER-N's toes and fingers become claw like with jagged edges, ideal for climbing, killing, and digging. Her hair also is coated with the exo-skeleton and spikes out on her head making it a weapon and giving her brain perfect protection. The exo-skeleton can mimic it's surroundings, making her invisible. In human and bug form she has very acute vision, like that of a bird of prey (i.e. an eagle), so she sees in black and white making the picture sharper and clearer. When she takes on bug form she becomes more animalistic, with primitive and intense fight or flight response, so her human judgement does not interfere (at first). In her bug form she can understand animals,insects,and other creatures. 17CYBER-N is very intelligent as Von Reictor engineered her with his own intelligence. .
Human form: physical characteristics- 17CYBER-N is shorter than her predesessor, Von Reictor needed to make her shorter so she would have less surface area for the exo-skeleton to cover. Her hair always stays the same length. Her eyes are brown with yellow flecks, they posses the same qualities in human and bug form. She is very strong, stronger than CYBERSIX. She needs the extra strength to maneuver in the exo-skeleton. Like CYBERSIX she can jump and leap great distances, and run longer and faster than a normal human.
Bug Form: physical characterisitcs-17CYBER-N's exo-skeleton coat her whole body. Her eyes are coated with a yellow transparent shell, it does not affect her vision. The exo-skeleton can mimic its surroundings (only at will). Normally the exo-skeleton is a metal black colour with a rainbow sheen. In this form she can go with out air for about thirty minutes. She has acute hearing in bug form and can feel vibrations. Her hair comes out in spikes to protect her head and make it a weapon.
17CYBER-N was created three days after Grazilda died. she developed from a zygote to a fully-grown human female in 43 days, in a sustenance chamber. During that time she was given nutrients via an artaficial umbilical cord, and she learned through a virtual reality implant at the back of her neck. In the virtual reality she learned grades K-12, martial arts, and weaponry. When she emerges from the sustenance chamber she is developed to seventeen years. Her age will be supressed until she has lived for 17 years, and then after that she will age like a normal human. She needs more sustenance than CYBERSIX or Jose, about one vial every five days if she "morphs" on a regular basis.
Jose: He is the first person she meets, she considers him her best friend. They each have a mutual respect for each other.
Data 7: In human form, she does not see him, but in bug form she converses with him for advise and help. They become friends.
Cybersix: She has been programmed to hate CYBERSIX with a passion, any time they meet, they fight. Later they become friends, good friends when 17CYBER-N refuses to fight her.
Adrian:Rae goes to Meridiana high to gain some human experiance. She enjoys his class, and feels a strange connection to him, she does not know why.
Lucas:Rae falls in love with him. She later refuses to kill CYBERSIX because Lucas loves CYBERSIX.
Julian: He is the first person in Meridiana she meets. She likes him and enjoys his company. He helps her.
Lori: Lori's Friendship causes Rae to choose sides. Lori shows Rae true induviduality.